Research Team

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The OUTSIDE study. A randomised controlled trial.

The experienced team running this study include some of the trailblazers in using cold water swimming to improve mental health. They are based in Brighton, Portsmouth, Isle of Wight, Midlands and Oxford and have backgrounds in medicine, psychology, physiology, statistics, health economics and public involvement.

Many of the research team are keen outdoor swimmers themselves, so have a clear insight of the challenges and joys of the cold water and this work has developed from their own experiences.

As well as publishing scientific papers, they have also shared information with the wider public through podcasts, talks, television, magazines, newspapers, books and social media.

Ruby Warden

Ruby is a Senior Research Assistant on OUTSIDE2 and has worked at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust since 2022. She holds a MSc in Applied Neuropsychology and a BSc in Psychology from the University of Bristol.
